Desmond proposed to Annabelle almost one year ago , and they both loved so much our work and our way of managing the photo session that they asked to cover the all wedding in May ( there will be more to see on our Facebook page first week of May … keep following !).
This engagement photos were taken at Place du Trocadero , were there is a funny big palisade , due to work in progress.
Kitty and I took an hour to prepare the wedding schedules , then we started to play with the cameras , and we really had fun !
Desmond and Annabelle had not planned anything on the day , so we decided to take them back home and visit our neighbourhood : Chateau de Chantilly , Musee Vivant du Cheval , and our locally famous “English Shop” , rue du Connetable in Chantilly.
They are now back to London , and we can’t wait to visit them in May in Preston-UK !